Sunday, May 22, 2011

Berfikiran Matang atau Pentingkan Diri

salam semua,

Hari ini adalah hari Tunas Wira. Hari yg sgt menarik pada asalnya..heee...x perlu diceritakan ape yg berlaku

Cume di bawah adalah sedikit respon yg akhirnya org yang memberi komen menggunakan serangan peribadi untuk menegakkan hujah masing-masing. haha.. Ala2 taktik politik la ni..

Tunas Wira ke Tunas Susu?....
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9 hours ago · Like · 
·         Zulhilmi Zulkefli and Hazo Muhammad Haziq like this.
o   A**f L***p Susu is nt the best phrase to label somebody..remember who we are..think rationally..kehendak mereka atau kehendak perkhidmatan..tQ
9 hours ago · Like ·  1 person
o   Eer*** betol lip...aku sokong ko who ever there dont label anypeople easily n dont think u good enough by labelling others...u might know producing something is not only using one way...just like factory...good manager use different way of producing in order to produce the best...
8 hours ago · Like ·  1 person
o   Eer*** pasni konpem tom delete aku nye komen,,,dah penah kene...betol x tom
8 hours ago · Like
o    A**f L***p I just express wat I feel..adakah dengan melabel seseorang itu susu bermaksud kita ni askar sejati..
8 hours ago · Like ·  1 person
o    Eer*** betol lip...just ingat je..dok dunia kadang2 kite kat ats..kadang2 kat bwh..
8 hours ago · Like
o     Mohammad Izat Nasran tenusu~
6 hours ago · Like
Hari Tunas Wira is referring to the reception system for this year. not the becoming officer cadet. it is totally scramble out n does not potray the real face picture of upnm. ni cm mendaftar masuk Uitm or IPTA awam plak. this is never n effort to claim sape lebih askar dari sape. coz kalu cm2 cnfirm x kn habis semua individu nak claim pengalaman. tp gmbran yg cube diwujudkan pon x nmpak ape2..what do you expect to produce. civilian officer?
4 hours ago · Like ·  1 person
o  Wan Azizul Faiz  Eer***: dont worry bro..
4 hours ago · Like
o  A**f L***p 
Tunas wira SOP pon xde..suka ati je ape nk buat tanpa perlu refer mana2 peraturan atau tatacara..xkira la civilian atau askar,,all need to start frm bawah..the question is,,'susu' seakan2 menunjukkan sesuatu yg hina..xbrape sesuai diucapkan oleh seseorg mahasiswa dan p kdt yg dh nk masuk tahun 3 lebih2 lg presiden MPP UPNM..xsangka msih ada lg gol sebegini..zaman batu xsama dgn zaman IT..I wonder,,where the smart people go???
4 hours ago · Like ·  1 person
o    Wan Azizul Faiz bergantung kepada org untuk labelkan susu itu ape? kerana x pernah referto any rude word.. n the aim is to not to the new junior but only for the betterment of the system. for only those who's brave enough the go through it..
4 hours ago · Like
o    A**f L***p Lupa nk jwb last question..I expect the person yg hebat dlm debat dan yang jadi presiden MPP mampu mencari pendekatan berbeza..itu yg ak espect..kehendak peribadi atau kehendak ORGANISASI..apa salah diorg apabila ORGANISASI telah membuat keputusan..where the smart people go???
4 hours ago · Like ·  1 person
o    A**f L***p Brave isn't enough..IQ n EQ is important..stakat nk yg berani sahaja baik amik budak PMR je jd pegawai..berkenaan isu susu ni hurm rasanya sume org tau apa mksdnya susu dalam askar ni..xyah nk berpusing ayat mengenai susu..xtau la kalo skrg istilah susu tu digunakan untuk bnda lain..
4 hours ago · Like
o   Eer*** 
n 'susu" word tu org sume dah tahu ape mksud nye kalo dalam asakar ni...kalau civilian xdela paham kan?dalam otak kite ni kene terap kan fikir sume aspect...supaya the word that u use not attarct other who might hate it...lain pimpinan lain la caranye...cume org zaman dl2 memerintah ni...die ingt cara die kene train je boleh bg last2 after hbs pencen sume...sape yg byk wat kes ?plg byk adalah bekas bukn sume la...yg ajaran yg x lekat je byk cara nk train or administration way depend on situation n they already "kaji" the way might produce better product not only askar perang berilmu..tetapi yang boleh lekat dlm jiwa sikit je
3 hours ago · Like ·  1 person
o    Wan Azizul Faiz 
wise word from a person who change his service at the last minute..congrats sir. totally respect ur understanding of issue.. we uphold the truth by actually doing something to improve it. bukan bercakap sahaja tp semasa beliau mempunyai peluang memegang jawatan tinggi tp x wat pape (x perlu disebutkan siapa). i will try as hard as i can without cnfronting the system in this world, selagi mane Tuhan sentiasa membantu n selagi a few good men who are willing to give suggestion and advice and neglecting the useless critics yang x pernah membantu. Bukan mendengar dari org yang selalu critics n cari pengaruh melalui cara yang hanya menguntungkan diri sendiri. Insyallah if God's willing. I salute u sir for caring too much for this issue. n i pray for u to go up higher in the service so that again maybe u can try to change things around. tq
2 hours ago · Like
o    A**f L***p 
bertukar servis membuatkan otak yg selama ini di bawah tempurung terbuka luas..hijau ke biru merangsang otak dan membuka mata mengenai perkara di luar..bukan sekadar berkata2 tapi lebih kepada keikhlasan dalam membuat thing i regret when i was a head boy is i failed to produce thinking soldier..i fought for my men (bukan kepentingan sendiri) sehingga hampir di discharge..i against the system because of my boys (dicop anti-organisasi) but i still fail to be a good role model..but now u all are the new generation should think rationally..insya-allah IF i will be stay among the higher autorities i'll try my best to improve the system..leaders of character..not leaders in character..
2 hours ago · Like
o    A**f L***p sometime i wonder..btol ke cara kita..btol ke niat kita..btol ke kata2 kita..membuat sesuatu tindakan berdasarkan hawa nafsu..ada otak..ada kuasa..ada akal..manfaatkan..ramai org nmpk kesalahan dan kelemahan orang lain..tapi apabila kelemahan dan kesalahan mereka akan ditutupi dengan hujah2 kosong..where the smart people go..
2 hours ago · Like
o    Wan Azizul Faiz 
i totally respect ur effort sir n i believe that more people agrees with me. but we never train ourself to bring up the truth or to tell poeple taht we are right by tarnishing other people's reputation. we go through the proper way bcoz kite sndiri x kn ske kalo org wat kat kite cm2. the fact that kite manage to bgun smula dari keadaan yang sukar menunjukkan we all have a functioning brain. Me myself juga pernah berada dalam keadaan yang sukar n u urself know that we don't even get a proper backing on our side. but i learn from that day that something from them n something from me have to change immediately. we try to make the best out of something. Insyallah, if God's willing. The smart people is not judge solely on academic achievement but through hollistic development. we don't say that the blue are better than the green even if it is true. coz both has its own benefit n advantages. thanx sir for proving that there are our future leaders who had a vision of this thing.
2 hours ago · Like
o    A**f L***p 
people agree with u????up to u and i know nothing bout that..tarnishing people reputation????y u cant take it as a challenge and prove to me that i'm wrong..i cant understand wat u were trying to xplain to me..dari mula2 ko post smpi post yg terkini ak xfaham apa yg ko cube sampaikan..hurm xpe la,,tp bl sebut pasal smart people and academic,, ak rasa ak xde keluarkan statement org yg ada academic is smart people..academic is just paper stakat ada paper qualification saje xcukup..cara kita berfikir, cara kita mengeluarkan pendapat, cara kita menyelesaikan masalah semua tu adalah element2 yg ada pada smart people..apa yang kita discuss kat page ni pon ramai yang diorg pon blh menilaikan apa yg kita discuss..subjektif..dulu tangan digari..kaki diikat..mulut ditutup,,segala pandangan xblh diterima pakai..apa pon kini segalanya telah berubah..patutnya ada perubahan sikit kat otak tu..i wish i can b at ur place rite nw n u can b at my place at the kat page ni ak cdpt nk luahkan apa yg aku nk ckap.i'll b around upnm until 27 may..hope cn see u around so i want may be we can discuss this thing in detail,,
about an hour ago · Like
haha.. maksudnye td tu people agrees with me tu adalah agree what u said la sir. read between the lines. i ve started to face on challanges long time ago n not gonna stop nw. read again n again n u will understand. our time has passed n just live on what we have la. no need to cerite berlebihan bende yg x penting. bnde kecik..cerite mcm enjin jet kne curi. if this is an open invi, i would be glad enough to futher it if we have the time. got lots of things to do what u might have missed the opportunity during ur time. then again. good luck in pursuing ur dreams n we here always pray for the goodness of our future leaders.
36 minutes ago · Like
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Kadangkala emosi itu bagus tetapi perlulah kne pada tempatnya. 

Jauhilah budaya kita mengkritik tanpa ketahui keadaan sebenar.

Nasihat dengan perkataan yang membina adalah lebih baik dari kritikan yang tidak membawa apa2..

We are future frontiers of our nation n we can think mature enough to decide between what is true n what's not. siapa yang cuba mengampu dan siapa yang sedang cuba membetulkan keadaan.

C u next time!

Wan Azizul Faiz Zulkifli

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